
AP Study Circle Free Coaching for Group I and II



A.P.P.S.C. Group-I and Group-II free coaching to the B.C., S.C., and S.T. candidates.

Applications are invited from eligible BC, SC, and ST candidates for free coaching in the A.P.P.S.C. Group-I and Group-II. Full Notification & Application Form is available on the website, i.e., http://apbcwelfare.cgg.gov.in

As per Notification, application form should be registered on or before 15-03-2013 through online only.

Any graduation, should be completed from any recognised University in India, and A.P.P.S.C. Group-I and Group-ll eligibility is essential. Selection will be made on the basis of merit in written examination.

Selected candidates will be given 3 months of free coaching in the B.C. Study Circles of concerned district.

Last date tor submission of application is 15-03-2013. One printout copy should be kept at the candidate. Hall tickets can be downloaded from B.C. Welfare website.

Examination date is 17-03-2013 from 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.

Full details will be available in the website: http//apbcwelfare.cgg.gov.in

Backward Classes Welfare Department


  1. where is the http:// apbcwelfare.cgg.gov.in.,online application for free coching to apply bcstudy cicles.

  2. how to apply for apbcwelfare for free coching.

  3. not respond to the web site to apply these free coching.

    1. The process has not started yet. Today, the site is up. Check periodically.

  4. shaik.imam hussain

    March 8, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    application show

  5. is there any batch for group1 or group2 starting in nov or dec?

  6. sir please notify me when any notification regarding coaching will be relesed in this year my id palharikimar@gmail.com

    1. @Palhari Kumar: Register for Academics‘ feed to get alerts when the notification comes again. Enter your mail ID here: http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=academics

  7. sir i completed my b.tech
    an di wan to prepare for civils will u provide coaching fo ru fo free
    then ho w to apply

  8. i want know how to apply this free coaching

  9. Please provide any information group 2 free coaching my number 9052767652

  10. how to apply free coaching for groups exam plz send me the mail

  11. Please provide any information civil’s and group’s free coaching

  12. how to apply the free coaching

  13. pl pl provide any information GROUP 2 FREE COACHING CENTER…..

  14. please tell me.how to apply bc welfare free coacthing.

  15. Group2 free coaching A.P. Detailes

  16. Sir already fill my aplication of group 1 and group 3 free coaching but I want changes institution options pls give me sugestion to change the aplication

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