(A Scientific Society under Department of Electronics & Information Technology, (DeitY) Government of India),
Panchawati, off Pashan Road, Pashan, Pune – 411 008.
Telephone Nos. 020-25898390, 25898141
Advt No.PN/ADM/RST/010/2015
It is proposed to fill up temporary and time bound position of the laboratory under the sponsored Research project.
Accordingly, the eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling all the requirements should appear for Walk-in Interview submit their application giving full details of academic record and a passport size photograph to the Administrative Officer.
Name & No. of Position: JRF – 1 Post
Qualifications: PG degree with first class in Chemistry / Materials Sciences / NanoTechnology Or First Class Graduate degree in Chemical Engineering disciplines and NET/GATE qualified.
Project Details: “Development of Visible Light Active Titanium Oxynitride and Tantalum Oxynitride Photocatalysts for H2OSplitting”, Sponsored by DRDO, New Delhi (PN/SP/051) (Duration of the project is upto 11/05/2017)
Terms & Conditions:
1 Nature of the Position: The above position is purely temporary, time bound and will be filled on contractual basis.
2 Tenure: Initially for a period of one year or extendable upto 11th May 2017 or co-terminus with the project which ever is earlier. Selected candidate(s) shall not have any right claim for regular appointment (s) at this Laboratory as the engagement is co-terminus with the Project.
3 Age as on 16/07/2015 Not exceeding 28 years. Maximum age limit shall be relax able upto five years for SC/ST and three years for OBC candidates.
4 Salary: Rs. 16,000/- + HRA @ 20% = Rs.19,200/- for first two years and for third year Rs. 18,000/- + HRA @ 20% = Rs. 21,600/- per month (Consolidated).
5 Application fee: Rs. 50/= for JRF by demand draft in favour of C-MET, payable at Pune No application fee for SC/ST and Women/ Handicapped candidates. Applications received without application fee will not be considered and fee once paid will not be refunded on any account. (Indian Postal Order is not accepted)
6 Leave: Casual leave 8 days in a calendar year (Pro-rata basis).
7 Medical facility: Maximum upto one month’s pay per year will be reimbursed (Pro-rata basis).
8 No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
9 C-MET reserves the right to cancel any or all positions due to administrative/policy reasons.
10 Only Indian Nationals need apply. Appointment of selected candidate is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of C-MET. C-MET reserves the right to cancel/terminate candidature at any point of time during the recruitment process, if any wrong declaration, misrepresentation or concealment is detected.
Application complete in all respects as per the format given below along with the copies of testimonials to be brought for the Interview. The format of application may be downloaded from our Website www.cmet.gov.in
Download the notification for details and application form:
[gview file=”http://cmet.gov.in/sites/default/files/walk-in-interview-16072015-pune.pdf” save=”1″]
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