
Deans International Doctoral Scholarships (FMHS) – University of Auckland – 2014

auckland_universityThe Deans International Doctoral Scholarships (FMHS) were established in 2011 and are funded by the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at The University of Auckland. The main purpose of the Scholarships is to attract international students of high calibre to pursue a research doctoral degree in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Closing Date: 01/02/2015
Value of Award: Up to $25,000 stipend, compulsoryfees, relocation grant, travelallowance and health insurance.
No. of awards: 3
Tenure: Up to 36 months.

Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on academic merit (measured by the grade point average assessed over the applicant’s two most recent years of equivalent full-time study), quality of the applicant’s research proposal and endorsements by the proposed supervisor and Head of School.

How do students apply Applications are made by form to the Scholarships Office. Application is attached below.

The Scholarships will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council upon the recommendation of a Selection Committee comprising the Dean (or nominee), the Associate Dean (Postgraduate), and the International Development Manager, from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, and a representative from the Board of Graduate Studies.

How and when do students learn of the decision Approximately six weeks after the closing date by letter or email.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award Please refer to the Regulations.

Additional information: Please refer to the Regulations.

For more details, visit: CLICK HERE

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