
DR.NTRUHS Notification for M.Sc. (Nursing) & M.P.T. Courses – 2015

Admissions into M.Sc.(Nursing) courses through Computer based (online) Entrance Test and M.P.T. courses without Entrance Test for the year 2015-16

Application forms through online are hereby invited from the eligible candidates for admission into MSc (Nursing) courses through Computer based online Entrance Test and M.P.T. courses without Entrance Test for the year 2015-16 for the seats in Colleges affiliated to Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.

1 The candidate desires to appear for Entrance Test for admission into M.Sc. (Nursing) Courses or admission into MPT Courses without Entrance Test shall apply through online on the Website from 20.07.2015 to 01.08.2015 upto 5.00 PM only. The online application can be filled through any computer with internet connection (home/internet café/net center).
2 For other details read the Prospectus carefully. The Prospectus of the courses, Instructions for filling online Application and Sample of filled-in Application is also available on the University Website

Eligibility for Admission into M.Sc. (Nursing) Courses

S. No   Eligibility Status
a) Age: Both the Service and Non-Service candidates should not have completed 45 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission. For candidates belonging to SC and ST’s the maximum age limit shall be 48 years.
b) Sex Both women and men candidates are eligible to apply for the M.Sc (Nursing) as per GO .Ms. No. 77, HM & FW (K1) Dept, dated 13.06.2013. Regarding male candidate, admission will be as per G.O.Ms.No.79, HM & FW (K1) Dept, dated 17.06.2013.
c) Educational Qualification The candidate should have passed B.Sc., (Nursing) /B.Sc., Hons (Nursing)/Post Basic B.Sc., (Nursing) from an Institution which is recognized by the Indian Nursing Council to admission in M.Sc(N) copy with minimum of 55% aggregate marks and 5% relaxation of marks for SC and ST candidates.
d) Entrance Test Must have secured not less than 45 marks in the Entrance Test. In case of SC and ST candidates, minimum marks shall be not less than 35 marks.
e) Registration with Nursing Council:


Candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife of Indian Nursing Council for Service and Non–Service candidates.
f) Experience:

1. For Service Candidates:

Should be a regular employee of the Government of AP as per regulation 2.1.2 (AP Medical & Health Services and AP Vaidya Vidhan Parishad) and shall have put in not less than 5 years of Service in the said Dept., in any capacity in Nursing as on 31-08-2015.
2. For Regular Candidates

(Non Service candidates):


a) Minimum one year of work experience after Registration of B.Sc., (Nsg.,) course as on 31-08-2015.

b) Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Registration of Post Basic B.Sc., (Nsg.,) courses on 31-08-2015.

Note: Experience Certificate once submitted is final. No alterations/ no revised service certificate will be accepted after submission of application. The candidates who have not acquired relevant service and not submitted requisite service certificate, such applications will be rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained. Therefore candidates are advised to check the application before submitting.
g) Physical fitness The candidate shall be medically fit.

Eligibility for admission into M.P.T. Courses
Candidates who have passed BPT degree of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences or equivalent Degree, and have completed internship before the counseling are eligible to apply subject to the fulfillment of the conditions stipulated in Regulations.

Note: If a candidate is found to have concealed any information regarding this matter, the registration of such a candidate is liable to be cancelled. Further disciplinary action will be taken by the University against him/her.

The candidates are advised to download and read the (1) Prospectus of the course (2) Instructions for filling online Application (3) Sample of filled-in Application available in the website before filling the online Application.

Registration Fee:
For M.Sc. (Nursing) & MPT Courses: The Registration fee is Rs.3,000/- + Bank charges, (Rs.2,700/- + Bank charges for SC/ST candidates) to be paid through online.7

Verification Fee: In addition to the above, the candidates who studied BSc(N) / BPT outside the state of Andhra Pradesh / Telangana are required to pay Rs.1000/- towards Degree Verification fee.

Procedure for Submission of filled-in online Application form:-The candidate should submit the print-out of the filled-in online application form along with the copies of required certificates attested by Gazetted officer either by post or in person on or before 05.08.2015 by 5.00 PM to:

The Convener,
Post Graduate Admissions Committee (MSc-NURSING / MPT),
Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, A.P.,
Vijayawada – 520 008

The candidate should clearly superscribe on the cover containing online application form as “Application for MSc (Nursing) ET-2015” or “Application for MPT – 2015”

1. Application forms received without copies of the required Certificates, Scanned Photo, pass port size photo with attestation of Gazetted officer, without signature at declaration area incomplete applications, applications received after last date and time and applications of ineligible candidates will stand automatically rejected.
2. The University holds no responsibility for Postal delays / Loss in Transit.

Entrance Test Center: Online Test Centres will be at three centres viz., Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam. The Hall Ticket will contain date, time and the Name of the allotted Test center.

Downloading of Hall Tickets: The candidates shall download the Hall-tickets for M.Sc. (Nursing) Online Entrance Test from 10.00 AM onwards on 12.08.2015 from the website:

Date and Time of Online Entrance Test:
MSc (Nursing) Courses on 16.08.2015 (Sunday) from 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM. Candidate has to report at 09.00 AM sharp at the respective Entrance Test centre.

For more details, please visit:

MSc Nursing Prospectus
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MPT Prospectus
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