Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur Road
Indore- 453556 (M.P.)
Applications are invited for 2014-15 batch of EXECUTIVE POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT (EPGP)
The EPGP is an intensive full-time residential programme of IIM Indore for professionals, specifically designed to enhance skill, knowledge, capabilities and perceptions essential for senior management positions. The EPGP combines skill building with exploration of good management practices. The programme also comprises of an international module to develop an understanding of the global business environment and the ability to operate in multi-cultural environment.
Eligibility: The Candidate must have:
i) A Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent in any discipline.
ii) A valid CAT /GMAT score*
iii) Minimum 5 years of managerial/ entrepreneurial/ professional experience after graduation as on May 31, 2014.
The programme is open to all nationalities.
*a valid CAT 2013 score or a GMAT score obtained between Jan 2011 and May 2014.
Selection Process / Interview: Interview of short listed candidates will be conducted at various locations depending on the number of candidates from that region. Short-listing of candidates for interview will be done based on a number of criteria like CAT /GMAT score, Academic performance, work experience etc or as decided by the admissions committee.
How to Apply: Candidates seeking admission to the one-year EPGP programme of IIM-Indore (2014-15 batch) either should have appeared in the Common Admission Test (CAT 2013) or submit a valid GMAT score. The GMAT score should have been obtained between Jan 1, 2011 and May 31, 2014. The application form for EPGP is available on our website, which the candidates are required to download, fill up and send to us by post along with the copies of all the relevant documents and the application processing fee.
The application processing fee is Rs. 5000/- for resident Indians and U.S. $ 100/- for other nationals and non-resident Indians. Please enclose a DD for the application-processing fee drawn in favour of IIM Indore payable at Indore along with the application. The completed application form along with the application processing fee and other enclosures should be sent by post/courier so as to reach EPGP Admissions, Indian Institute of Management Indore, Prabandh Shikhar, Rau-Pithampur road, Indore – 453556, Madhya Pradesh, India on or before May 31, 2014 till 5:30 pm.
For more details, click here.
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