
IISER Integrated Ph.D. Admissions – August 2016

iiser tvm admisionsApplications are invited from highly motivated students for admission to the Integrated Ph.D. programme starting from 1st August 2016 at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research –Thiruvananthapuram (IISER-TVM). Applicants appearing in the final year Bachelor degree examination are eligible to apply. However, if selected, their admission will be subjected to fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria for the individual school. Online Applications will be opened from 18-12-2015.

Schools Eligibility Criteria About the written test
  1. Bachelors degree in Biological/ Chemical/Physical/Mathematical sciences with a minimum of 55% marks (or a CGPA of 6.0 in the 10 point scale).
  2. All shortlisted candidates are required to appear for a written aptitude test followed by interview
  1. Questions will be multiple choice testing candidates’ knowledge/reasoning ability
  2. Dowload the PDF file of the syllabus for the written test in Biology
  1. Bachelors degree in Chemical sciences with a minimum of 55% marks (or a CGPA of 6.0 in the 10 point scale).
  2. Shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test followed by interview
  1. Questions will be multiple choice.
  2. Dowload the PDF file of the syllabus for the written test in Chemistry
  1. Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics/Statistics/ Engineering/ Technology in a relevant discipline with minimum CGPA of 6.0 (or 55 % marks).
  2. NBHM-M.Sc. Fellowship valid as on 1 August 2016 with CGPA of 6.0 (or 55 % marks).

Selection Procedure for mathematical sciences

  • Shortlisted candidates will be called for the written test followed by an interview
  • NBHM-M.Sc. Fellowship holders are exempted from the written test
  1. Questions will be multiple choice.
  2. Download the PDF file of the syllabus for the written test in Mathematics
Physics *
  1. Bachelors degree in Physical Sciences, Engineering or Technology with minimum 55 % marks (or a CGPA of 6.0 in the 10 point scale).
  2. Applicants should have cleared the Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST)-2016.
Not Applicable

Application Procedure

  • Please go through the FAQ page thoroughly before filling up the application form.
  • Applicants should complete the online application form by going to the following URL:
  • Applicants will also be prompted to upload all the supporting documents, like photograph, proof of date of birth, mark-list, community certificate, in JPEG/GIF formats only
  • GE/OBC [SC/ST] candidates are reqired to make a payment of Rs. 200/- [Rs. 100/-] as processing fee through the Powerjyoti Account (Please download the PDF file of the challan for application fee through Powerjyoti.)
  • On submission of the online application form, the applicants will receive an acknowledgment email with an application number.
  • Short-listed applicants will be invited for a written test/interview at IISER-TVM.
  • Last date for the submission of the online application for Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics is 27 January, 2016.

Important dates for School of Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics

Opening of online application portal18 December 2015Last date for receipt of online applications27 January 2016[18:00 hrs IST]Announcement of shortlisted candidates on the Institute’s website January 2016 [17:00 hrs IST]Written test for candidates05 March 2016 [Forenoon]Declaration of the results of the written examination05 March 2016 [Afternoon]Firs round of Interview for candidates shortlisted from written exam05 March 2016 [Afternoon]Delcaration of the results fo the First round of interview05 March 2016 [Late Evening]Final round Interview for first round cleared candidates06 March 2016 [09:30 hrs IST]Declaration of Provisionally Selected candidates06 March 2016 [after 19.00 hrs IST]

(* Online portal for Physics will be opened after declaration of JEST 2016 results)

Venue : IISER – Thiruvananthapuram, CET Campus, Thiruvananthapuram

Mere fulfilling the eligibility criterion does not entitle applicants to be called for the test and interview

For more details, visit:

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