NOTIFICATION FOR M.Sc. / M.Tech. Admission – 2010 (Approved by AICTE)
Application are invited for admission to M.Sc. (GEOSPATIAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY) and M.Tech. (GEOMATICS)
Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping (IIS&M), Survey of India, Hyderabad is a premier institution for imparting training and education in the field of Surveying, Mapping & other related subjects. IIS&M will conduct post graduation courses of M.Sc. (Geospatial Science & Technology) and M.Tech. (Geomatics) recognized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad.
ABOUT THE COURSES: M.Sc. (Geospatial Science & Technology) and M.Tech. (Geomatics) courses of two years duration consisting of 4 semesters, will be conducted at IIS&M and the degrees will be conferred jointly by IIS&M and JNTU, Hyderabad.
2. M.Tech. (GEOMATICS) : 25
ELIGIBILITY : M.Sc. (Geospatial Science & Technology) – Candidate sponsored by Central / State Govt. Organizations or Public / Private Institution must be a Science graduate having mathematics as a subject at least at Plus2 / Intermediate / Higher Secondary level and minimum two years experience in Surveying / Mapping / GIS / RS. They have to appear before a screening Committee at Indian Institute of Surveying & Mappinge, Hyderabad for their selection.
Private candidate must be a Science graduate having mathematics as subject atleast at Plus2 / Intermediate / Higher Secondary level and has to appear for an entrance examination to be conducted by JNTU. Those candidates who have appeared for the test in current session can also apply subject to submitting the successful certificate during admission.
M.Tech. (Geomatics) – Candidates sponsored by Central / State Govt. Organizations or Public / Private Institution must be a B.E. / B.Tech. / A.M.I.E. or equivalent in any branch of Engineering or M.Sc. degree in Mathematics / Physics / Computer Science / Earth Science / Electronics with two years experience in Surveying / Mapping / GIS / RS. They Have to appear before a Screening Committee at Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping , Hyderabad for their selection.
Private candidate must be a B.E. / B.Tech. / A.M.I.E. or equivalent in any branch of Engineering or M.Sc. degree in Mathematics / Physics / Computer Science / Earth Science / Electronics and has to appear for an entrance examination to be conducted by JNTU. Those candidates who have appeared for the test in current session can also apply subject to submitting the successful certificate during admission.
HOW TO APPLY: Application Form along with detailed prospectus will be available at Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping , Survey of India, Uppal, Hyderabad – 500 039 from dated 05-04-2010 to 10-05-2010 on payment of Rs. 50/- during office hours on all working days. However, it can be obtained by sending a demand draft for Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) of any nationalized bank drawn in favour of E&AO, IIS&M Hyderabad payable at Hyderabad along with a self addressed envelope of size 32 x 26 cm. The prospectus and application form can also be downloaded free of cost from the Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping website and Survey of India website
LAST DATE OF ACCEPTING APPLICATION: The duly filled in application must reach IIS&M on or before dated 24-05-2010. The application form submitted late or incomplete will be rejected.
DATE OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: Candidates selected for entrance test will be intimated by registered post / email by 15-06-2010. Entrance examination for private candidates for both the courses will be conducted by JNTU on 12-07-2010 at 10:00 hrs. at Survey of India offices located at Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehra Dun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Kolkata, New Delhi and Pune depending upon the availability of candidates to appear in these places.
Ph. (040) 27201181 / 27200182-88 / 27200173 / 27200179
Email: Website:
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