Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai 600036
With an interdisciplinary perspective at the heart of its approach, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Madras, which is one of the oldest departments in the Institute, provides intellectual and cultural foundations for the study of human relations in contemporary contexts. During the course of more than fifty years, it has grown into a vibrant department with teaching and research programmes run by a globally acknowledged team of faculty members.
The five-year integrated Master of Arts (M.A.) programme is designed to meet the needs of students who seek a broader learning forum and who appreciate the unique design of inter-disciplinary studies. The programme encourages students to engage in critical thinking and research on ideas, people, society and the human condition.
The total number of seats sanctioned for the programme is 46. HSEE-2015 is intended to admit students to this programme in two streams: Development Studies and English Studies. The first two years of the curriculum are common to all the students after which, they branch out into the two streams. Allocation of streams will be based on students’ preferences as well as their academic performance during the first three semesters.
All applications are to be made through online mode. Visit:
Examination fee for GE and OBC(NCL) male candidates is Rs.1600/- and for SC, ST, PwD male candidates and all categories of female candidates is Rs. 800/-. Additionally, the service charges of the Bank will be Rs.30/-. The examination fee must be paid through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card / Indian Bank Challan that will be generated during the process of application.
Filling up the online application is not enough. Completed application form has to be submitted online only, along with the scanned photograph, signature and copies of relevant certificates, on or before January 26, 2015.
Candidates belonging to OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/PwD are required to submit additionally, a hard copy of the self-attested certificate of respective category/medical certificate as applicable, in the prescribed format so as to reach the address (The Chairman, HSEE-2015, JEE Office, IIT Madras, Chennai- 600 036), before January 26, 2015. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
No acknowledgment card will be sent. The candidates are advised to check the status of their application at the HSEE website, after February 13, 2015.
For complete details, refer to the brochure below:
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