Since 1956, K. C. Mahindra Education Trust has granted interest-free loan scholarships to deserving students to pursue post-graduate studies abroad in various fields.
We are currently offering 50 scholarships for 2015, as given below:
1) A maximum of Rs.8 lakh per scholar, awarded to the top 3 K.C. Mahindra fellows
2) A maximum of Rs.2 lakh per scholar, awarded to remaining successful applicants
Applicants are required to:
- Possess a First Class degree or any equivalent diploma from a recognized Indian university, OR, be studying in the Final Year, provided they are able to produce completion certificates before 30th June, 2015
- Have submitted applications to or received an acceptance from reputed foreign universities for courses commencing from August 2015, but not later than February 2016.
- Be Indian nationals.
Click here to download application form
Application forms can also be collected from our office at the address below. For further queries please email Mr. Rodrigues on or call on (022) 22895526
1) The form needs to be printed on legal / full scape size paper and not A4 size paper.
2) The last date to submit the form is 31.03.2015
3) Forms need to be sent to the following address:
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust
Cecil Court, 3rd Floor, Near Regal Cinema, Mahakavi Bushan Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai – 400 001
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