
M.A. in Bharathanatyam & Rhythmology at University of Madras – 2014

madras_universityUNIVERSITY OF MADRAS
Centenary Buildings, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005
(Established under the Act of Incorporation XXVII of 1857-
Madras University Act 1923) [State University]


Application are invited from eligible candidates for admission to (1) M.A., degree course in Bharathanatyam (2 years) and (2) M.A., degree course in Rhythmology (2 years) under private study (CBCS pattern) for the academic year 2013-2014 in the Department of Indian Music, University of Madras.

M.A., degree course in Bharathanatyam (2 years) & M.A., in Rhythmology (2years) under Private Study (CBCS pattern) in the Department of Indian Music-

Eligibility for admission into M.A.,in Bharathanatyam:
1. B.A.,/B.Sc.,/B.Com./ or any other degree of the University of Madras or any degree recognized as equivalent thereto by the Syndicate of the university of Madras.
5 years of performance (or)5 years of teaching (or) Diploma in Dance of Madras University (or) any other Diploma accepted as equivalent thereto by the Syndicate.
Minimum Age Limit: Candidates who have completed 21 years of age as on 1st July of every year in which the candidate submits the application.
Fee structure: Rs.25000/- for 2 years

The candidate has to put in 30 days of attendance per year.

Eligibility for admission into M.A., Rhythmology :
Any degree of the University of Madras or any degree recognized as equivalent thereto by the Syndicate of University of Madras and 5 years of performance (or)5 years of teaching (or) any degree recognized as equivalent thereto.
Minimum Age Limit: Candidates who have completed 21 years of age as on 1st July of every year in which the candidate submits the application.

Fee structure will be same as in the regular course offered in the Department of Indian Music.

The minimum period of attendance is 30 days in an academic year.

The filled-in application shall be sent directly to Dr.(Mrs) M. Prameela, Professor & Head, Department of Indian Music, University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005.

ISSUE OF APPLICATION IN PERSON: Application can be had in person at the Information Centre, University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005 on payment of Rs.200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST candidates on production of attested photo copy of the Community certificate) by cash.

ISSUE OF APPLICATION BY POST: Those who want to obtain application by post have to send a written requisition specifying the name of the programme together with a Demand Draft for a sum of Rs.250/- for Rs.200/-towards cost of application and Rs.50/- towards postage) drawn in favour of “The Registrar, University of Madras, Chennai-5”.

Application can also be downloaded from the University website at However, the cost of application for Rs.200/- by means of Demand Draft shall be enclosed, failing which the application will be summarily rejected.

Last date for issue and submission of filled in application: 30.08.2013

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