(University with Potential for Excellence)
Palkalai Nagar, Madurai-625 021
Last date for the receipt of filled-in application in the office of the Director, DDE, Madurai Kamaraj University: 31.07.2015
Department of Education, a constituent part of the Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University was created in October 1979. The Department has rich experience in offering UG, PG and M.Phil. Courses for above the two decades. Post – Facto approval for both B.Ed. and M.Phil. Courses has been obtained from Distance Education Council (DEC), New Delhi. It is a full fledged Teaching and Research Department. Two Post Graduate Diploma Courses in School Administration are currently offered for the benefit of the school administrators. Now, the Department is offering the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Programme from the year 2009 with approval of National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
DURATION: The duration of the programme is two years. A student has to complete his/her programme within 5 years.
MEDIUM AND MODE OF INSTRUCTION: The medium of Instruction is English. However, the student teachers are allowed to prepare their assignments, practical records and the term end examinations either English or Tamil.
I. Trained in service teachers in elementary education
II. Candidates who have completed a NCTE recognized teacher education programme through face-to-face mode.
III. The school teachers with UG degree in the following subjects: Tamil, B.Litt., English, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Geo-Physics, Bio-Physics, Electronics, Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Botany, Environmental Science, Bio-Technology, Plant Biology, Zoology, Micro-Biology, History, Geography, Applied Geography, Computer Science, Computer Application and Information Technology. The school teachers with PG degree in Home Science, Economics and Commerce with same UG degree.
IV. The candidates should have undergone 11+1+3 or 10+2 +3 pattern of study.
V. The candidates who have passed part III under Triple Major System in UG Degree are eligible to take one of the three subjects only as optional II. The aggregate marks of all the three subjects will be considered for admission.
VI. The candidates who have qualified in PG Degree (5 Years Integrated Course) under 10+2+5 pattern of study are eligible.
VII. Candidates should be currently working in schools (Primary / Middle / High School / Higher Secondary / Matriculation) in Tamil Nadu recognized by State / Central Government.
VIII. Candidates having a direct UG degree (without +2 qualifications) / Direct Post-Graduate degree (without +2 and UG degree) are not eligible.
IX. Candidates who have passed under Double Degree / Additional Degree Programme with less than three years duration are not eligible for admission.
X. Those who are working in Colleges / ITI’s / Polytechnics are not eligible.
The filled in Application Form should be submitted / sent to The Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai-625021, so as to reach the Directorate on or before 31.07.2015. The envelope should superscribed as “Application for Admission to B.Ed.”
COURSE FEE: Rs. 18,500 per year
Download the Brochure-cum-Application form for complete details:
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