
MCA Admissions at University of Lucknow – 2014



MCA Admission Session: 2014-15
(Six Semester Self-Financing Programme)

THE PROGRAMME: Emphasis on application development by incorporating soft development skills. Postgraduate degree program in computer application is a six semester intensive program in computer application stream. The primary emphasis in MCA is on designing information systems for various organizations such as banks, insurance companies, hotels, hospitals etc. Development of application software in diverse areas where computers are used will be the main function of MCA graduates. The major thrust is on giving the students a sound background in computing, business function, mathematics related to information technology.

ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc. (Computer Science / Computer Application / Information Technology) or B.C.A. B.E, B.Tech of minimum three year duration with a minimum of 50% marks for Gen/OBC and 45% marks for SC/ST and Mathematics as one of the subject at Intermediate / Higher Secondary (i.e. 10+2) level. Students of BCA final semester of Lucknow University or affiliated college of Lucknow University can apply if candidate is having 50% marks (aggregate) upto 5th semester (aggregate) for GEN/OBC and 45% marks (aggregate) SC/ST.


ADMISSION CRITERIA: The admission shall be done on the basis of combined entrance test (100 marks). Entrance Test Question paper will consist of multiple choice question on English Language and comprehension, Numerical Aptitude, Basic Computing abilities, General Awareness and Reasoning. There shall be no negative marking. The selection to the course will be through a 1^ (One and Half ) hours written test.

There shall be no weightage of any P.G. Degree/Diploma.

Question Paper pattern for Entrance Examination (100 Marks).

Part – A:40 Multiple Choice Questions in Total, comprising of Questions based on logical reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, English Comprehension.

Part – B: 60 Multiple Choice Questions in Total based on B.C.A./B.Sc.(Computer Science) Syllabus

RESERVATION: The existing reservation rules of the University shall apply in admitting the students to this course.

FEES: Total fee per semester is Rs. 54,000.00 (Fifty four thousand per Sem.)

Application form must be submitted by Speed Post only along-with demand draft of Rs 800/-for General/OBC Candidate and Rs 400/-for SC/ST Candidate in favour of “Finance Officer, University of Lucknow, Lucknow ” payable at Lucknow Xerox copies of certificates/Mark Sheets and Two Self addressed Envelops size (27x12cm) duly stamped with Rs.30/-. No application form shall be accepted by hand.

Deadline to received duly filled application form by the Head, Department of Computer Science, LU is 12th August -2014.

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