
M.L. Program Admissions at University of Madras – 2014

madras_universityUNIVERSITY OF MADRAS
Centenary Buildings, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005
(Established under the Act of Incorporation XXVII of 1857-
Madras University Act 1923) [State University]

The University is offering M.L. degree course in the following branches under PRIVATE STUDY (Non-semester) for the academic year 2014-2015 in the Department of Legal Studies.

Br- I International Law and Constitutional Law
Br- II Business Law
Br-III Criminal Law
Br- IV Property Law
Br- V Intellectual Property Rights Law
Br -VI Human Rights and Environmental Law
Br- VII Labour and Administrative Law

ELIGIBILITY: A pass in B.L./L.L.B., from a recognized University under regular pattern of study i.e (10+2+3+3) or ( 11+1+3+3) (or) 10+2+5.

Eligibility for award of Degree: A candidate should complete the degree within five years from the academic year in which he/ she registers for the course. The candidates should each year attend the compulsory ten days personal Contact Programme classes. Only then he/she will be eligible for the I & II year examinations respectively.

ISSUE OF APPLICATION IN PERSON: Applications can be had in person at the “Application Sales Counter” at the Chepauk Campus of the University on payment of cash Rs.200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST candidates on production of attested photo copy of the community certificate) For more details- visit the University website:

ISSUE OF APPLICATION BY POST: Those who want to obtain application by post have to send a written requisition specifying the name of the programme together with a Demand Draft for a sum of Rs.250/- (Rs.200/- towards cost of Application and Rs.50/- towards postage) drawn in favour of “The Registrar, University of Madras, Chennai -5.”

Application can also be downloaded from the University website: However, the cost of application for Rs.200/- by means of Demand Draft shall be enclosed, failing which the application will be summarily rejected.

Last date for issue submission of filled in application: 14.11.2014.

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