University of Calcutta
Admission Notice
M.Phil in Economics for the Session 2015-2017
Applications are invited for admission to the two-year M.Phil. Programme in Economics for the Session 2015-2017. The number of seats is 15 (inclusive of reservation for all categories).
Eligibility: Any candidate who has passed the M.A./M.Sc. Examination in Economics of this University with 55% marks in aggregate (SC/ST with 50% marks) or with 60% marks in aggregate of any other recognized University is eligible to apply to the M.Phil Programme. Students, likely to complete M.A./M.Sc. Part-II Examination in Economics by June 30, 2015, are also eligible to apply. Their admission will be provisional subject to satisfying minimum eligibility criterion by August 31, 2015. Selection will be on the basis of an entrance test followed by an interview. Candidates who have qualified in NET, SET or equivalent national level examination are exempt from the entrance test, but not from the interview. The candidates, found eligible through entrance test and those exempted from entrance test, would be invited to submit a Statement clarifying their Expression of Interest on which a final interview will be conducted. The list of finally selected candidates (on the basis of final interview only) would be posted in the University web-site and Departmental Notice Board.
Syllabus for Entrance Test:
- Microeconomic Theory: Consumer Behaviour, Theory of Firm, Analysis of Market Structure, Theory of Distribution, General Equilibrium, Welfare Economics, Asymmetric Information, Public Goods & Externalities;
- Macroeconomic Theory: National Income Accounting, Aggregate Demand-Simple Keynesian Model, IS-LM Model, Interaction Between Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply- Short-run & Long-run Equilibrium, Classical Full Employment Model- Determination of Real Wage, Interest Rate & Price Level, Demand for Money, Supply of Money, Consumption Function, Investment Function, Inflation, Trade-cycle & Growth, Open-economy Macroeconomics;
- Statistics & Econometrics: Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Higher Order Moments, Correlation, Theory of Probability, Theory of Statistical Inference, Classical Linear Regression Model (both 2-variable & k-variable cases)- Estimation, Hypothesis Testing & Prediction, Heteroscadasticity, Autocorrelation & Multicollinearity,Simultaneous Equation System & the Problem of Identification;
- Mathematical Economics: Optimization in Economics (Static & Dynamic), System of Simultaneous Equations and Cramer’s Rule, Input-Output Analysis, Linear Programming, Elements of Game Theory;
Structure of the Entrance Test:
- The M. Phil. Entrance test is of 100 marks. The qualifying mark is 50%. Duration of the test is two hours.
- There will be 50 multiple choice questions (MCQ), each of 2 marks. For each MCQ there will be negative marking (1 mark).
- MCQs will be on Microeconomic Theory (30 marks), Macroeconomic Theory (30 marks), Statistics, Econometrics (20 marks) and Mathematical Economics (20 marks).
Download the detailed notification:
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