The National Institute of Design (NID) is a premier institute in the field of design education and research. The institute functions as an autonomous body under the department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The Institute offers a 4-ycar Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD) at Ahmedabad campus and a 2’/2-year Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in Design IPGDPDI at Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Bengaluru Campuses.
Design aptitude test for GDPD: JANUARY 7,2012 SATURDAY
Design aptitude test for PGDPD: JANUARY 8,2012 SUNDAY
Candidates who have passed or who will appear for qualifying examination during the academic year 2011-12 under Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalents like AISSCE/IB/ISC, etc., are eligible for GDPD. Upper age limit for candidates is 20 years (relaxable by 3 years for reserved categories) as on June 01, 2012. 4-year GDPD programme (includes a Foundation year) is offered at Ahmedabad Campus in the following areas
FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN [Product Design, Furniture & Interior Design, Ceramic & Glass Design]
FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION DESIGN [Graphic Design, Animation Film Design, Film & Video Communication, Exhibition (Spatial) Design]
Number of seats in GDPD: 100 (includes reserved categories) Discipline allotment done only at the end of the first year (Foundation Programme), based purely on student’s performance in the Foundation Programme and number of scats available in desired discipline.
Candidates having a Bachelor’s degree or equivalentM-year Diploma in Design (including those who will be appearing for the qualifying examinations during the academic year 2011-12) are eligible to apply (Please refer to the detailed eligibility criteria given for each discipline on]. Upper age limit for candidates is 30 years [relaxable by 3 years for reserved categories) as on June 1. 2012.
Those applying for two disciplines should send separate application form for each discipline. One cannot apply for more than two PG Disciplines.
2-1/2-year PGDPD programmes offered at (Number of seats mentioned in brackets):
MAIN CAMPUS, AHMEDABAD • Product Design (15), Furniture & Interior Design (15), Ceramic & Glass Design (10),
Graphic Design (15), Animation Film Design (15), Film and Video Communication (15). Textile Design (15)
PG CAMPUS, GANDHINAGAR • Transportation and Automobile Design (15), Toy & Game Design (10), Photography Design (15), Apparel Design (15), Lifestyle Accessory Design (15), New Media Design (15), Strategic Design Management (15)
R&D CAMPUS, BENGALURU • Information & Interface Design (15), Design for Digital Experience (15), Design for Retail Experience (15).
Number of seats in PGDPD: 245 (includes reserved categories)
For General Category:
Forms can be filled online and downloaded from and sent along with DD for ? 1500/-drawn on any Nationalised Bank in favour of ‘National Institute of Design’ payable at Ahmedabad.
Forms can also be obtained from select branches of Bank of India (listed below) on payment of? 1500/- towards the cost of the form plus ? 50/- as bank charges w.e.f October 13, 2011.
For Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBC/PH)
Forms can be obtained from Admissions Office, NID, Ahmedabad directly by sending a Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalised Bank in favour of ‘National Institute of Design’ payable at Ahmedabad for ? 750/- along with an attested copy of the relevant certificate from competent authority) and a self-addressed envelope of 9″xl2″ size with ? 40/- stamps affixed. Mark your envelope NID ADMISSIONS 2012′.
SC/ST candidates must send their caste certificate. PH candidates must send disability certificate from the Chief Medical Officer. OBC candidates must send non-creamy layer certificate from the Collectorate.
Tests for GDPD & PGDPD for eligible candidates will be held at: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Nagpur.
National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad 380 007, India Phone: +91-79-26623462, Fax: +91-79-26621167 E-mail: Web:
BANK OF INDIA BRANCHES (for obtaining application forms): Ahmedabad Bhadra, Paldi, Bengaluru Kempegowda Road, Bhopal Marwari Road, Jumerati, Bhubancshwar Janapath, Chandigarh Sector 17, Chennai Errabalu Chetty Street, Coimbatore Oppankara Street, Dehradun Rajpura Road, Delhi Janpath, Hauz Khas, Durgapur Nachan Road, Guwahati Kamarpatty, Hyderabad Nampally Station Road, Indore Santa Bazar, Jaipur Mirza Ismail Road, Jamshcdpur Bistepur, Kanpur Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kochi Shanmugham Road, Kolkata Netaji Subhash Road, Manicktolla, Kozikode Silk Street, Lucknow Nawal Kishore Road, Mumbai Nariman Point, Dadar-Portuguese Church, Nagpur Kings way, Panajiitaa De Ormuz, VaXn&FraserRoad, Pondicherry JNehru Street, Pune Dr Coyaji Road, Ranchi Albert Ekkachowk, Rohtak HissarRoad, Rourkela Sector 19, Shillong Police Bazar, Simla Ihe Mall, Srinagar Maulana Azad Road, Surat Kanpith, Lai Gate, Thiruvananthapuram University, Udaipur Nyay Marg, Vadodara Raopura, Vishakhapatnam Valtair Main Road
tanya thakur
November 22, 2012 at 5:40 pmplzz let me knw tht m i appearing for the entrance held in january 7,2012…