(A University Established Under the State Act)
Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Telangana State for Ph.D. Programme for the year 2019 in the following specialties:
Specialty | No. of Seats |
Emergency Medicine | 01 |
General Medicine | 02 |
Medical Genetics | 04 |
Microbiology | 02 |
Nephrology | 03 |
Neurosurgery | 04 |
Rheumatology | 02 |
Surgical Gastroenterology | 05 |
Surgical Oncology | 02 |
Orthopedics | 02 |
Note: The regulations for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) are available at NIMS website:
A candidate seeking admission to the Ph.D. Programme leading to the award of a degree of Doctor of Philosophy must possess at least one of the following eligibility criteria:
- Master’s degree in Life Sciences in Medical Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Genetics, Physiology, Human Anatomy, Biotechnology, Psychology, Nutrition etc. provided that the concerned subject is in relation to the specialties available in NIMS.
- MD-Ayurvedic Medicine (eligible for Ph.D. in Pharmacology only)
- Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)
- Note: All the applicants to Ph.D. Should have 60% aggregate marks in the above subjects. In case a candidate has got above 59.5%, it will be rounded off to 60%.
- Medical Graduates (MBBS) and Post Graduates in MD/MS/DNB/MD(Ayurvedic) are eligible irrespective of percentage of marks.
Duration of the Ph.D. Programme:
- The duration of the course will be the time period from the date of registration to submission of the thesis.
- For the submission of thesis, the minimum period is 3 years and maximum period shall not exceed 5 years. However, further extension, for not more than 3 years, may be given upon recommendation by the Doctoral Committee, explaining the need for extension.
Application Procedure
- The Online Application Registration, Notification and instructions to fill the application is available at NIMS website: from 11.00 AM on 15-07-2019 till 5.00 PM of 31-07-2019 and last date for submission of hard copy of application is 02-08-2019.
NOTE: The candidates are advised to take a print out of the prospectus/instructions to fill the online application from the NIMS website: before proceeding to fill the online application form.
- A candidate shall apply for Ph.D. Programme in one subject only.
- Incomplete and hand-written application forms are liable to be rejected.
- An amount of Rs.1500/- (Rupees one thousand and five hundred only) towards application fee should be remitted through payment gateway provided using a credit card or a debit card issued by the banks in India or through Internet banking.
- The hard copy of the online application duly signed shall be submitted to The Associate Dean, Academic-2, 2nd floor, Old OPD Block, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad -500 082 on or before 5.00 PM of 02-08-2019 along with all the documents mentioned at annexure-I, failing which the online application shall not be considered for entrance examination/admission. Application fee is non-refundable even if the application is summarily rejected.
- The applications received after the prescribed date and time shall not be considered. The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of hard copy of online application or delay in postal transit.
- An acknowledgement will be sent to the respective candidate by SMS / e-mail or to the login account after the Application is processed.
- The applications of in-service candidates should be forwarded by the appointing authority. The in-service candidates are required to submit Service Certificate and No Objection Certificate in original from the Appointing Authority at the time of submission of application.
- The in-service candidates should have a minimum of five years regular service. Applications should be forwarded by the Head of the Institution.
- All candidates who are employees in the State of Telangana and Central Government under takings, Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public Institutions should submit their hard copy of the applications along with No Objection Certificate from the appointing authority. The selected candidates should submit relieving order along with original certificates at the time of admission.
- Any candidate of reserved category, if at all, failed to submit the certificate of social status along with application, his/her candidature will be assumed as ‘Open Category (OC)’.
- In case of insufficient number of candidates, NIMS reserves right to cancel the entrance examination/admissions.
- The eligible NIMS faculty/non-faculty can also apply to the Ph.D. Programme with prior written approval from the Director and Head of the Department. The candidate has to submit a no objection certificate (NOC) from the appointing authority.
- All applications for the Ph.D. programme will be scrutinized for eligibility as per the admission rules to the Ph.D. programme.
- Candidates fulfilling the minimum requisite qualifications and eligibility shall be permitted to undertake the entrance examination and interview before the selection committee.
Method of Selection
- Selection will be made based on the performance of the candidates at aptitude interview.
- Merit List based on marks obtained in aptitude interview will be displayed on NIMS website
Fee Structure:
- Annual Tuition Fee – Rs.10,000/-
- Thesis evaluation fee – Rs.20,000/-(to be paid along with submission of thesis)
- Public Defence and Viva Conduct fee – Rs.30,000/- (to be paid before fixing the viva date).
Stipend: No-stipend from the Institute funds will be paid to the candidate during the PhD programme. However, if student works under any project, the Project Sponsor will pay the stipend to students
Download the Notification for complete details:
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