ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSION INTO M.Sc. (APPLIED NUTRITION) Affiliated to Dr. NTRUHS, Vijayawada for the Year 2010-11
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into 1st year M.Sc. (Applied Nutrition) Course at the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) affiliated to Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences (Dr. NTRUHS), Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2010-11.
Eligibility: Candidates should have passed MBBS or B.Sc, (Nutrition/ Home Science / Nursing) or B.Sc, (with Biochemistry or Nutrition as one of the major subjects) from recognized Universities.
Obtaining application forms: Application forms along with Prospectus can be obtained in person from the Head of the Department (HoD), Extension & Training Division, National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai-Osmania PO, near Tarnaka Flyover, Hyderabad-500007 or can be downloaded from the Website: (www.ninindia.org) or (www.ntruhs.ap.nic.in). The applications will be available from 10.00 AM of 02.06.2010 to 5.00 PM of 26.06.2010.
Last Date for Submission of Applications: The duly filled in applications along with a demand draft for Rs. 500/- towards Registration fee from any Nationalized Bank, drawn in favour of The Director, NIN payable at Hyderabad and necessary enclosures specifying the quota (State or Central) should be submitted to The HoD, Extension and Training Division, National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai-Osmania PO, Hyderabad-500007 on or before 26th June 2010 by 5.00 PM.
Applications received after the last date and time shall be rejected, NIN or Dr. NTRUHS are not responsible for postal delay or loss in transit. Number of seats: Out of the total 16 seats available, 6 are reserved for State Quota for applicants from Andhra Pradesh and 10 are reserved for Central quota for applicants from other States of India.
Entrance Test: The Entrance Test will be conducted at NIN, Hyderabad on 18.07.2010 (Sunday) at 11.00 AM. The eligible candidates should collect their hall tickets in person from HoD, Extension and Training Division, NIN on 16.07.2010 and 17.07.2010 the list of eligible candidates to appear for the test will be displayed on NIN’s website on 16.07.2010. For further details and for important dates read the prospectus and regulations of the Course carefully.
(Indian Council Of Medical Research)
[gview file=”http://ninindia.org/MScProspectus2010-11.pdf”]
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