
NIT Warangal requires Junior Research Fellow – 2014

nit warangalNational Institute of Technology-Warangal-506004
(An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
No. NITW/ MMED/GVSNR/DRDO-ERIPR/2014/ Date: 27.02.2014


Applications are invited a temporary post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work in the DRDO- ERIPR Research Project entitled “Influence of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Cu Modified Ti-6A1-4VAlloy “, sanctioned by Directorate of Extramural Research & Intellectual Property Rights (ER & IPR), DRDO. The duration of the project is 3 years. The fellowship will be paid at the rate of Rs.16,000/- per month + 20% HRA per month during the first two years and Rs.18,000/- per month + 20% HRA per month during the 3rd year, if upgraded as SRF. The fellowship is for a period of three years / coterminous with the closure of the project. Further, there is a possibility for the candidate to register for Ph.D. in NIT Warangal.

• B. E. / B. Tech. degree in Metallurgy / Materials / Mechanical Engineering with I Class
• M.E./ M. Tech. degree in Metallurgy / Materials / Mechanical Engineering with I Class
• GATE Qualification

Applications, along with bio-data (with passport size photograph), copies of supporting documents and experience, should reach the following address latest by 30.04.2014 by post only. Eligible candidates will be informed for interview by phone or email only. Candidates who are already employed should produce relieving certificate from their employers, if selected. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Principal Investigator of the DRDO-ERIPR Project &
Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
National Institute of Technology
Warangal-506 004 (A. P)
e-mail: nr_gvs@yahoo.com
Phone No. 0870-2462521 (O)

Download the notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://www.nitw.ac.in/nitw/announcements/2014/JRF%20Advt%20in%20MMEunder%20DRDO%20project-March-14.pdf” save=”1″]

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