
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University M.Sc. 2014 Admissions

M.Sc. 2014 Admissions

1. Last Date for online application: 10th May 2014

2. Selection Process:

INTAKE: 20 Students in each discipline

A Written Aptitude test for admission will be conducted on 5th June 2014 in SPT-III building (Block-E) of the University campus from 10 AM to 12 noon followed by the personal interview from 2.15 pm onwards for the candidates shortlisted from the written test result. Interview process may continue even on 12th June 2014.

The written aptitude test will be based on the syllabus for B.Sc in respective subjects.

At the time of written examination, the candidate is required to produce a set of the self-attested photocopies of all the relevant testimonials along with the originals.

The first merit list for the admission will be announced on 19th June 2014.

50% weightage of the score obtained in the Written Aptitude Test and 50% weightage of the score obtained in the Personal Interviewwill be considered for preparing the merit admission list.

Accordingly the last date for paying fees by the candidates of the first merit list will be 30th June 2014. The first semester shall commence from second week of July 2014.

3. Eligibility Criteria:

3.1 For M.Sc. (Physics): B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons) with Physics as a major subject for three years/six semester with minimum 55% marks aggregate of all semester/years or CPI 6.0 on 10 point scale or equivalent score from a recognized University/Institute.

3.2    For M.Sc. (Chemistry): B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons) with Chemistry as a major subject for three years/six semester with minimum 55% marks aggregate of all semester/years or CPI 6.0 on 10 point scale or equivalent score from a recognized University/Institute.

3.3  For M.Sc. (Mathematics): B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons) with Mathematics as a major subject for three years/six semester with minimum 55% marks aggregate of all semester/years or CPI 6.0 on 10 point scale or equivalent score from a recognized University/Institute.

Note: If a candidate is not having his final year marks sheet at the time of filling the application form, he can upload second year/Fifth semester marks sheet. He has to submit the final year marks sheet on 5thJune 2014 (at the time of written test). However, final admission will be subject to satisfying eligibility criteria.


4.1  Mode of an Application: Every eligible candidate has to apply online through the University’s website: Fees for single application is Rs. 1,500/- Last Date for online application: 10th May 2014

4.2  Cancellation of an admission/refund policy

If at any stage, the information provided by the candidate is found to be false, his admission shall be cancelled and his fees shall be refunded.

Refunds for withdrawal of admission will be as per the provisions of University; If the admission is withdrawn by a candidate, before the commencement of the first Semester, and if the seat thereupon becoming vacant is filled up with the another candidate the fees will be refunded after deduction Rs. 1000/- on 31st July, 2014

If on account of withdrawal consequential vacancy is not filled and the seat remains finally unfilled, only the Caution Money Deposit (Rs.10,000/-) and Library Deposit (Rs.3000/-) i.e., a total of a sum of Rs.13000/- will be refunded.

For withdrawal of admission and seeking refund, a candidate is required to submit the fee receipt, admission letter and the letter of request for withdrawal duly signed by him and counter signed by his parent/guardian.

4.3  Admission Process:
The first merit list for the admission will be announced on 19th June 2014. All the candidates who are offered the admission shall have to pay their fees within seven days to date of the offer, to confirm their admission. Accordingly the last date for paying fees by the candidates of the first merit list will be 301 June 2014.The first semester shall commence from Second week of July 2014.

Download the notification for full details:
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