
P.G. Diploma in Inclusive Education at TISS Mumbai – 2015

tiss admissionsDescription of the Programme:
Inclusive education has been internationally recognized as a philosophy for attaining equity, justice and quality education for all children, especially those who have been traditionally excluded from mainstream education for reasons  of disability, ethnicity, poverty, gender or other characteristics.The Education for All (EFA) initiative from the United Nations is an essential component of the Millennium Development Goals, because education is seen as being crucial to human development, and many children do not have access to education (UNESCO (2005). In spite of a positive policy framework in many countries, achieving inclusion and reducing under- achievement is a daunting task.

Disability can be considered as an entry point to inclusive education. Ideally, schools must meet the needs of all children regardless their disability and other disadvantaged situations and provide an equitable learning experience. However, in recent past the emphasis has been more emphasized on the right-based perspective, which fits in the framework of social model and human rights approach. Another important paradigm shift was the notion that any difficulty that a child exhibited in learning was to be attributed not only to the problem of impairment of the child, but also to the school system. Therefore, it is can be said that inclusive education is a process of removing barriers and enabling all students, including those with disabilities, equitable opportunities to learn and participate effectively within general school systems. The recent legislations and policies of the state (Right to Education Act, 2009 and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) makes it imperative to generate human resources to work in this field.

Inclusive Education rests on the assumption that all children are special irrespective of their diverse capacities, talents, and pace of learning. Therefore it is becoming important that teachers and other professionals working in mainstream schools or other inclusive educational settings develop appropriate responses to diversity. Thus a Diploma in Inclusive Education is a major step towards generating teachers across the country to reach and teach all children.

The overall aim of this programme is to develop a cadre of personnel with specialized competency in working with marginalised children irrespective of disability, disadvantage, and privilege through building right based perspectives.

Objectives of the PG Diploma in Inclusive Education
1.To gain a theoretical perspective on inclusive education and related contexts of disability and development.
2.To learn and practice an eclectic approach to learning, through use of varied methodologies
3.To develop context-specific intervention strategies for children with diverse learning needs, that promote equity and social justice in education
4.To foster and encourage an attitude that is conducive to promote inclusion in diverse learning-teaching environments

Intake: 20

Medium of Instruction: English

Eligibility: Any first degree in Education (BA in education, Regular B.Ed., B.Ed in special education). A Bachelor’s Degree (under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 or 10+2+2+1 year bridge course pattern of study or any other pattern fulfilling the mandatory requirements of 15 years of formal education), in any discipline from a recognized university, with minimum aggregate marks of 50 per cent (40 percent for Scheduled Castes [SCs] and Scheduled Tribes [STs]

Candidates with demonstrated interest in working with children with disability for a minimum of one year would be preferred. Sponsored candidates from organizations working in the area of disability and inclusive setting would be given special preference.

There are a total of 20 seats available in the programme, including and observing the reservation norms {Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Persons with Disability (PWD)} of the GoI and International students/ children of Indian workers in the Gulf and in South-East Asia. The reservation for OBC will be followed as per GoI directives.


Date of Advertisement 06/07/2015
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Form at the Institute by Post and in Person 20/07/2015
Personal Interview 22/07/2015
Orientation and Commencement of Academic Session 2015–2016 10/07/2015
Course Commencement 10/08/2015

For more details, CLICK HERE.

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