
PhD Scholarship in Radiochemistry at CAI, University of Queensland, Australia

the university of queenslandThe Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) brings together the skills of a critical mass of researchers and ‘state-of-the-art’ research imaging instruments. It is the only facility of its type in Australia, one of only a handful in the world. CAI researchers work on innovations in spectroscopic and imaging technology, imaging biomarker development and in biomedical research disciplines, frequently in collaboration with clinical research sites and other local, national, and international research institutes.

We are seeking applicants with a background in chemistry, preferably with strong synthetic chemistry experience. A Masters qualification and/or relevant professional/research experience would be an advantage.

Applicants must fulfil the PhD admission criteria for the University of Queensland, including English language requirements, and demonstrate excellent capacity and potential for research. Entry requirements can be found at:

Applications from domestic and international candidates are welcome.

Remuneration: The PhD appointment is not contingent upon an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), however such students will be considered for a scholarship top-up.

We can provide prospective students with assistance to apply for either the APA or IPRS. The current APA rate is AUD$25,392 per annum tax-free for three years with the possibility of a six month extension under special circumstances through the appropriate approval process. For students who successfully obtain an APA or IPRS, we may provide a top-up of as much as $9,000 per annum based on merit, otherwise the scholarship will be paid at $30,000 per annum.

For further information on scholarships please refer to to

Enquiries: Further enquiries should be directed to Dr Rajiv Bhalla at the Centre for Advanced Imaging ( Enquiries about the application process should be sent to Ms. Sandrine Kingston-Ducrot who looks after administrative matters regarding PhDs (

To submit an application for this role, use the Apply button below. All applicants must supply the following documents: Expression of interest form (available at, Academic Records (indicating GPA scores/grades, and grading scale details) and Resume/CV.

Applications close: E. Australia Standard Time

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