One year Full Time Joint IIM Calcutta – IIT Kanpur – IIT Madras
Post Graduate Program for Executives for Visionary Leadership in Manufacturing Supported by NMCC and JICA (PGPEX-VLM) Commencing April 2011.
A joint IIM-IIT Post Graduate program leading to award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management for Visionary Leadership in Manufacturing for Engineering Graduates with minimum of 5 years and maximum of 10 years work experience in Manufacturing Sector. Candidates can be self paying or on study leave sponsored by their company. Maximum experience requirement is waived for company sponsored candidates. Candidates should have first class or equivalent from High School/Secondary Board onwards.
Application form and brochure may be downloaded from website: Completed application forms along with demand draft of Rs. 2,500 in favour of “Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur” payable at Kanpur must reach at VLFM Office, Dept. of IME, IIT Kanpur 208 016 by 19th November 2010.
Selection will be based on academic record, work experience, aptitude test, and personal interview to be held on 12th December 2010 at IIT Kanpur.
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