Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of a Clinical Fellow in pancreatic cancer surgery. This is a fellowship sponsored by Tata Trusts in partnership with Tata Memorial Centre for surgeons committed to learn and develop further experience, not just in complex pancreatic cancer surgeries but in the multidisciplinary management of pancreatic cancer and other pancreatic tumors.
Tata Memorial Centre treats a large number pancreatic cancer patients each year and is one of the highest volume pancreatic cancer surgery center in India. Surgical team at TMH performs around 150 major pancreatic resections each year. This fellowship offers unique opportunity for the potential fellow to join an experienced clinical team at TMH and ACTREC and work on the clinical management of pancreatic cancer and also be responsible for clinical research projects and learn research methodology as well.
Duration: Maximum one year.
Eligibility – Age less than 35 years with MCh /DNB Surgical Oncology or MCh / DNB GI surgery or MS General surgery with 3 years’ experience in HPB surgery
Fellowship Emoluments: Rs 1,00,000 a month for 12 months
Fellowships Goals & objectives
This is a one-year fellowship program that is available to candidates who desire additional training in advanced pancreatic surgery and clinical pancreas cancer research. The overall goal of the fellowship is to develop and mold an academic surgical oncologist with an interest in advanced pancreatic cancer surgery and address 1 or 2 clinically relevant research issues as deemed fit by the clinical team at Tata Memorial Centre.
By the completion of the program the fellow should:
1.Develop and enhance operative technique and clinical skills in the pre- and post-operative management in pancreatic surgery with a major emphasis on minimally invasive techniques and emerging technology.
2.Work in a multi-disciplinary dedicated pancreas tumor team.
3.Develop and implement clinical research projects related to the content areas of the fellowship. Manuscript preparation, poster preparation, oral presentation, and/or book chapter preparation are expected.
Please note, the form is available from Monday, November 27, 2017 to Wednesday, December 27, 2017
You are requested to submit clear scan copies of your application form and required documents on by Wednesday, December 27, 2017.
For more details visit,
Download the application form:
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