The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has awarded Research Fellowships in Science for Meritorious Students (RFSMS) to the Department of Physics, Osmania University, Hyderbad-500 007 for the year 2014-2015 under BSR Scheme. Applications are invited for these fellowships in the prescribed form available online at OU from the eligible candidates as per the UGC regulations, 2009 (Notification-Gazetted of India, Dated: 11th July, 2009 and Qualified in NET/SLET/GATE/Ph.D. Admission Test of Osmania University)
Name of the Fellowship: UGC-BSR Research Fellowship
Total No. of Fellowships : 05 (As per the Reservation Policy of the State Govt)
Eligibility for Fellowships: Only those candidates, who are selected for registering to the Ph.D Program of the Department of Physics, under Faculty of Science, Osmania University through a procedure already outlined in the UGC Regulations, 2009 by a regular admission procedure of the University.
Nature of Assistance:
Fellowship = Rs. 14,000/- p.m
Contingency = Rs. 12,000/- p.a
HRA as per University rules.
For GATE qualified candidates:
1st & 2nd year Grant: Fellowship @ Rs. 16,000/- p.m.
Contingency = Rs. 12,000/- p.a
HRA as per University rules
Tenure of Fellowship: The tenure of fellowship is initially for two years. Upon expiry of this period, based on the Satisfactory Assessment Report of the Expert Committee Evaluation on the work of the fellow, the tenure of fellowship will be extended for a further period of three years. The total period of fellowship is for five years, with no further provision of extension.
Other Conditions of Fellowship: The research fellow with the consent of the Guide/Head of the Department may assist the University in its academic work not exceeding 10 hrs per week The academic work includes tutorials, evaluation of test paper, laboratory demonstration, supervision of field work, library activities like group seminars and symposia, provided such work is not likely hinder the research program.
Cancellation of Fellowship: Fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of (i) Misconduct (ii) Unsatisfactory progress of research work / failure in any examination related to Ph D. or (iii) fellow is found ineligible later.
Duly filled Prescribed Application Form with relevant enclosures along with the Demand Draft of Rs.100/- and Rs.50/- (SC/ST/PH category) (Non-refundable) of any nationalized bank drawn in favor of ‘‘The Head, Department of Physics, Osmania University”, payable at Hyderabad should reach to the Office of the Head, Department of Physics, Osmania University on or before 5.00 p.m 10-07-2015.
Download the official notification in PDF form:
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