
University of Calcutta Ph.D Programme in Political Science

Alipore Campus 1, Reformatory Street
Kolkata 700027

Ph.D Programme in Political Science 2013-2014

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Ph.Dprogramme in Political Science, University of Calcutta, for the session 2013-2014. Admissions will be on the basis of a test, of one hour duration followed by an interview of the selected candidates. The date for the interview will be notified to the candidates. The candidates should download the application form from the university website and submit the same along with the application fee of Rs.100/- in the challan obtainable from the University cash counter to the department. The applicants should submit the following supporting documents (photocopied) along with the application: a) Mark sheets in all examinations ; b)NET /SET certificate, if any; c) M.Phil certificate, if any.

Important information:
Number of seats for the Ph.D programme for 2013-2014: 4 (Includes the mandatory reservation of 1 seat)
Last date for submission of Application Forms: 10th January 2014

The list of selected candidates will be put up on the notice board of the department

Date of Admission (Written) Test: 10th February 2014
Tentative date of commencement of course work: 1st April 2014

The Course work will be of 6 months duration. Students admitted to the Ph.D programme will have to take 4 courses of 50 marks each. (This will include at least one from the courses offered under Research Methods). Each course will consist of discussions/assignments /presentations.

Candidates should also note that the following specialized areas are open for Ph.D. this year

  • Comparative Democratic Experience in South Asia
  • Left Politics in West Bengal
  • Minority Politics

Candidates, who have qualified in NET/SET/M.Phil exam, are exempted from appearing in the admission test, but they have to appear at the interview. However, they have to apply according to the procedure mentioned above, within 10th January 2014.

Official notification in PDF form:
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