
VIT University Admissions for UG and Integrated Programs – 2014

VITVIT University is fast gaining prominence as an Institution of International repute. The holistic model of education, conceived and enriched by its illustrious founder, Dr.G.Viswanathan, offers refreshingly new perspectives to young minds and facilitates the accomplishment of their creative talent. Its contribution in extending the frontiers of knowledge in critical areas as also in the regeneration of effloresce of the community values is well manifest through its alumni who form a great chain of distinguished personalities throughout the world, occupying key positions in varied professional domains.

The following are the UG and five year Integrated programmes open to admission for the Academic year 2014-2015.


■    BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
■    B.Com. (Computer Applications)
■    BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
■    B.Sc. Multimedia and Animation
■    B.Sc. Computer Science

■    M.S. Software Engineering (Vellore and Chennai campus)
■    M.Sc. Biotechnology

AGE LIMIT: UG / Five-Year Integrated Programmes: Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 1st July 1994 are eligible to apply.

QUALIFICATION: UNDERGRADUATE & FIVE-YEAR INTEGRATED PROGRAMMES (AFTER +2): Candidates should have secured an aggregate of 60% and above in their +2 examination are eligible to apply.

ADMISSION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be called for an interview in the order of merit based on:
■    Aggregate of total marks secured in the +2 / Higher Secondary Examination for UG/M.Sc Biotechnology (5 year Integrated) programmes.
■    Aggregate of marks secured in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the +2 / Higher Secondary Examination for M.S.Software Engineering programme.

ISSUE OF APPLICATION FORMS: The VIT Main Brochure and the Information Brochure for Undergraduate /MS Software Engineering / M.Sc. Biotechnology Integrated programmes, along with the necessary enclosures which include the Application Form and a printed self- addressed envelope, can be obtained in person from VIT University at Vellore (or) VIT University Chennai (or) from the Chennai City Office, New No.6, (Old No. W-73), Second Street (Opposite Towers Club), Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040 (Phone: 044-42016555 / 65480555, Fax: 044-26222555), by handing over a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “VIT University”, payable at Vellore.

Candidates can also obtain the set of Brochures with the Application Form and printed self-addressed envelope alternatively through Post from VIT University by sending a Demand Draft in favour of “VIT University”, payable at Vellore accompanied by a covering letter addressed to “OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS”, VIT University, Vellore-632014, requesting for the application form of the particular programme (Refer section – 2), indicating your complete postal address. On receipt of the DD, the application form with the enclosures will be sent by post. The postal charges will be borne by the University. Candidates are advised to write their name address and mobile number on the reverse of the DD.

RECEIPT OF COMPLETED APPLICATION FORMS: The completed application forms should reach the OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS,VIT University, Vellore- 632014 on or before the due date.


UG / MS Degree Programmes
â–  Last date for issue of the application forms 02.06.2014
â–  Last date for submission of the application forms 04.06.2014
â–  Publication of short listed candidates in website (Tentative) 09.06.2014
â–  Tentative date for Interview (M S Software Engg.) 16.06.2014
â–  Tentative date for Interview (UG Programmes) 18.06.2014
â–  Last Date for payment of fees (M S Software Engg.) 30.06.2014
â–  Last Date for payment of fees (UG Programmes) 30.06.2014
â–  Commencement of classes for all Programmes. 03.07.2014

Download the brochure for complete details:
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