Entrance Exams


acharya nagarjuna universityACHARYA NAGARJUNA UNIVERSITY

Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma from the candidates who have passed or appearing for the final year examination in the qualifying degree for admission into PG courses as listed in the website (www.anu.ac.in) leading to Post-Graduate degree in M.Sc., M.A., M.S.W., M.Com., M.H.R.M., M.Ed., M.P.Ed., PGDAS., P.G. Diploma in Yoga., 5 Years Integrated Courses in M.B.A. and Nanotechnology for the Academic Year 2014-15 offered by Acharya NagarjunaUniversity Campus, PG Centre, Ongole and its Affiliated Colleges through ANUPGCET-2014.

Application forms with information Brochure can be had from: (1) The Director, Directorate of Admissions, ANU; (2) ANU PG Centre, Ongole; (3) ANU City Centre at A.C. College, Guntur; (4) All the ANU Affiliated Colleges offering P.G. Courses; (5) Prabhas Degree College, Vijayawada; (6) Andhra Kesari Centenary Jr. College, Rajahmundry; (7) M.S.R.S. Siddhartha Degree & PG College, Visakhapatnam and (8) Sri Nagarjuna Degree College, S.R.Nagar Hyderabad on payment of Rs.400/- through D.D. drawn in favour of “THE DIRECTOR, DIRECTORATE OF ADMISSIONS”, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar-522510 payable at S.B.I. (Code No.4793) or Andhra Bank (Code No.1508), A.N.U. Campus branch. Those candidates who wish to have the application through post can obtain only from the Director by sending a D.D for Rs.450/- (includes Rs.50/- for postage) drawn in favour of the Director, Directorate of Admissions, A.N.U.


  1. Commencement of sale of applications: 12-03-2014
  2. Last date for receipt of filled-in applications: 10-04-2014
  3. Last date for receipt of filled-in applications with a Late Fee of Rs.660/-: 21-04-201 4
  4. Last date for receipt of filled-in applications with a Late Fee of Rs.1320/-: 30-04-2014
  5. Schedule of PG Entrance Tests (Tentative) : 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th May, 2014.

Dr. G. ROSAIAH, Director, Directorate of Admissions, Acharya Nagarjuna University, website: www.anu.ac.in & 0863-2346171/138, 9440258822 / 9440258811, E-mail id: diranuadmissions@gmail.com

Information Brochure:
[gview file=”http://anu.ac.in/admissions14/ANUPGCET-%202014%20Information%20Brochure.pdf” save=”1″]

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