(Aided InstiUU under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Sector-I, Block-“AF”, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 064
Phone: 2337-5345-49 (5 lines), Fax: 091-33- 2337 4637
Students are Invited to join the Ph.D. Programme of Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) in Physics and Biophysical Sciences (2014-15 Session).
Eligibility: For Physics, Masters’ degree in Physics. For Biophysical Sciences, Masters’ degree in Physics/Chemistry (With Life Sciences at 10+2 level) or Masters’ degree in Life sciences (With Chemistry and Mathematics at 10+2 level). Students appearing in the final exam for their Masters’ degree may also apply.
Admissions: Selections will be based on student’s academic records, performances in the written test and interviews. All students irrespective of their JEST/CSIR/UGC/DBT qualification must use the same form to apply. All applications are to be made online through our website : The written test will be held on February 23 (Sunday), 2014. Online forms are available in our website
Selected JRFs have to go through a year of mandatory post M. Sc. course work prior to pursuing doctoral research in SINP. Each JRF will receive a stipend of Rs. 16,000/- per month, an annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/-, HRA and medical benefits as per rule. Some hostel accommodations will be available.
sayeri pradhan
October 11, 2014 at 9:35 amsyllabus of written test for phd programme in SINP.