
University of Hyderabad needs Field Attender

HCUUniversity of Hyderabad
School of Life Sciences
Department of Plant Sciences
Hyderabad 500046, India
Fax: +91-40-23010120

Professor P.B. Kirti
E Mail:pbksl@uohyd.ernet.in
Tel: +91-40-23134545

Field Attender

Applications are invited for the position of a Field Assistant in the DBT- funded project on “Identification of candidate genes for water use efficiency in rice using activation tagging”

Position: Field Assistant (Temporary, up to September 2015) Qualification; Minimum 10th Class Pass Remuneration: 5000/- per month fixed

Experience: The candidate should have experience in the maintenance of plants in the field. Cleaning glassware is an additional qualification.

Applications on plain paper with a copy of the attested certificate of 10th Pass (or higher) should be sent to the address as given above on or before 19-12-2013 (Room No. F-43, New Life Science Complex, University of Hyderabad).

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