Entrance Exams

DIET CET-2011 Notification

Common Entrance Test for admission into D.Ed. two years course 2011 – 2013

Applications in the prescribed form are invited for Common Entrance Test (CET) for selection of candidates for admission into two year Diploma in Education (D.Ed.) offered in Government District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) and in Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions in the State during the academic years 2011-12 and 2012-13 from candidates possessing the following qualifications and fulfilling eligibility criteria.

1. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: The candidates who have passed Intermediate Examination of BIE, AP or its equivalent examination recognized by BIE, AP with minimum 45% of marts in aggregate are eligible. In case of SC, ST and Physically Challenged candidates with minimum 40% of marks in aggregate are eligible Intermediate Vocational Course candidates are not eligible. The candidates who are going to appear for Intermediate Examination or its equivalent exam during March / April 2011 are also eligible to apply for DIET CET-2011 entrance examination subject to condition that they should produce their pass certificate at the time of admission counseling. The Candidates who studied SSC/Inter in the medium concerned (Telugu or Urdu or Tamil) or who studied Telugu or Urdu or Tamil as 1st Language in SSC or its equivalent or who studied as one of the above Languages in Part-II in Intermediate are eligible for the seats in concerned medium only.

2. AGE LIMIT: The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 01.09.2011. There is no upper age limit.

3. AVAILABILITY OF APPLICATIONS: Prescribed printed DIET CET-2011 I.C.R. Bio-data form and instruction Booklet for DIET CET -2011 can be had in person from all Head Post Offices and e-seva centers in all the Districts in the state of AP. The cost of each application form, along with Entrance Test Fee and Registration Fee is Rs.200/-to be paid in cash.

4. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS: The I.C.R. form duly filled in should be submitted by post to the Convener. DIET CET – 2011. Office of the Commissioner and Director of School Education. Beside Telephone Bhavan, Saifabad, Hyderabad -4,

1 Date of sale of Applications at Head post Offices in all Districts / e-Seva centers in all Districts: From 01.03.2011 to 02.04-2011 on all working days.
2 Last date for receiving of filled in applications to the Convener, DICTCET-2011bypost: On or Before 08.04.2011
3 Date of Common Entrance Test: 24.04.2011 (Sunday) (10.30 am to 12.30 pm)

The details and other information in respect of Entrance Test and admission procedure into D.Ed. is furnished in the “Instruction Booklet” supplied with application form

Sd/-P. Laxma Reddy
Convenor DIET CET-2011 &
RJDSE Warangal

Sd/- R Satyanarayana
Chairman, DIET CET-2011 &
C&DSE A P. Hyderabad


  1. diet cet scheduled changed and the application sale date also changed

  2. I didnot get my hallticket posted yet at my prescribed address.

  3. Dear Sir,
    I have sent an application on 7th of April in the name of Aruna, i think you might have get it please consider this and waiting for your response about this. So that i will be very greatful to you.
    Thanking you,
    Sr.Bala, Vijayawada.

  4. Sir,
    I have sent DIETCET 2011 appln through courier. Pl reply whether the appln received or not.


  5. pls want to full detail for diet and total fee

  6. i have sent dietcet form through courier but i cant receive acknowledgement card.

  7. sir plz help me
    i applyed diet cet 2011.
    i notrecieved acknowledgement card yet.

  8. Sir,
    I posted my application but i havent got hallticket. when will the exam conducted

  9. Sir,
    I posted my application but i haven not received Hall ticket
    i am not note the my application form number
    how to receive the hall ticket

  10. I posted my application but i haven not received Hall ticket iam not note the my application form number how to receive the hall ticket

  11. sir
    tommarow exam stil i cont recive my hall ticket plz help me

  12. diet cet result pls tell me

  13. from when dietcet admission notification release 2011

  14. Sir,
    What is the lost date to submision of diet cet application

  15. gd mng sir . …….
    pls tell me dietcet entrance examination in 2012

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