
BEE National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors

(A Statutory body under Ministry of Power, Government of India)


As per the Energy Conservation Act 2001, it is mandatory tot the designated consumers to designate or appoint an Energy Manager (under clause 14(1). BEE has been empowered to specify the qualification criteria and procedures for the certification of Energy Managers and qualifications for Accredited Energy Auditors.

The passing of the National level certification examination is the qualification for an Energy Manager to be appointed or designated as Certified Energy Manager.

For accreditation of Energy Auditors, an energy auditor shall be considered for accreditation. If he/she is a certified manager and has passed the examination in “Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment and Utility Systems” conducted by the Bureau, besides meeting other criterions. Details of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Qualifications for Accredited Energy Auditors and Maintenance of their list) Regulations, 2010 may be seen at It will be the accredited Energy Auditor who will be allowed to conduct the mandatory energy audit under the Energy Conservation Act 2001 and not the Certified Energy Auditor.

For Energy Auditors (EA)
a) A Graduate Engineer (Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Technology) or equivalent with three years of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc. or
b) A Post-Graduate Engineer (Master of Engineering / Master of Technology) or equivalent with two years of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc. or
c) A Graduate Engineer with post-graduate degree in Management or equivalent with two years of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.

For Energy Managers (EM)
a), b), c) – Same eligibility criteria as for Energy Auditors

d) A Diploma Engineer or equivalent with six years of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, etc.; or
e) A post-graduate in Physics or Electronics or Chemistry (with Physics and Mathematics at graduation level) with three years of work experience involving use of energy in operation. maintenance, planning, etc.

Note: (1) Training period will not be considered as Experience. (2) Candidates without requisite experience are not eligible to register and appear for the examination.
National Certifying Agency: BEE has retained National Productivity Council (NPC) as the National Certifying Agency to conduct and administer the National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors.
Examination Dates: 5th & 6th February 2011 (Saturday and Sunday)
Proposed Examination Centres: Agartala, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Dehradun, Delhi/NCR, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Karavati, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Port Blair, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Thiruvananthapuram, and vadodara.

Examination will contain the following papers:

Paper-1: General Aspects of Energy Management & Energy Audit for EM & EA
Paper-2: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities for EM & EA
Paper-3: Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities for EM & EA
Paper-4: Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment & Utility Systems (open book examination) for EA.

a) For the Certification of Energy Managers, the candidate has to appear in three papers of written examination viz. Paper-1, Paper-2 and Paper-3.
b) For the Certification of Energy Auditors, the candidate has to appear in all the above Four Papers of written examination.
c) Paper 1, 2 and 3 are common for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors. Any candidate, qualifying in these three papers will be eligible for Energy Manager Certification. For Energy Auditor Certification, the candidate has to Quality in all the four papers. The degree of difficulty in Paper 4 will be comparatively much higher than other papers.
d) For upgradation of EM certification to EA certification, please refer to the Prospectus.
e) Eligible supplementary candidates will be required to write this and subsequent examinations under revised syllabus, as applicable from time to time
f) The current and subsequent examinations will be conducted on Revised Syllabus as applicable from time to time. Far other details see prospectus.

All the Candidates (both Regular & Supplementary) are advised to read Prospectus carefully which can be downloaded from and Registration has to be done ONLINE at as per the instructions given in the website. Links to the above website are also available at and

Supplementary candidates of previous National Certification Examination are also required to submit their application ONLINE at Both fresh and supplementary candidates should send the Printouts of filled in applications along with the requisite fee and enclosures to the below mentioned address.

Last Date for ONLINE Registration and Submission of Application: 5th January 2011.

The Director,
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity, National Productivity Council
6, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai – 600 098
Tel: (044) 2625 1808/2625 5216
Fax: 044 2625 4904/2625 5012

1 Comment

  1. Feb EA exams are with new sylabus.i am supplementary candidate.How can i ge tthe revised sylabus?

    with regards


    rajnikant shembade
    EA -8654

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