
Indian Institute of Technology, Patna Admissions for Ph.D. Programs – 2014

iit patna Indian Institute of Technology, Patna

Applications are invited for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme, starting in July 2014 in the following Departments.

  • Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics
  • Centre for Energy and Environment*
  • Centre for Advanced Systems Engineering
  • Centre for Strategic Materials

Eligibility Criteria:
PhD in Engineering: For admission to the PhD Programme in Engineering Department, a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  • Candidates having M.Tech./M.E. degree in a Engineering/Technology, with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology (from any Institute other than IITs) in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 8.0 or 75% of marks.
  • Bachelor’s degree from an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.0.
  • Master’s degree in Science in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70%.

PhD in Science: For admission to the PhD Programme in Science departments, a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  • M. Phil. or Master’s degree in Science in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.
  • Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology from an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.0.
  • Bachelor’s degree in a related area in Engineering/Technology (from any Institute other than IITs/IISc) in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 8.0 or 75% of marks.

PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences: For admission to the PhD Programme in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  • M. Phil. or Master’s degree in Arts/Commerce/Science in a relevant area with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent.
  • Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Design in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% marks.
  • Bachelor’s degree from an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.0.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology (from any Institute other than IITs/IISc) in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 80% marks.

Reservations: The reservation of seats in admissions for SC, ST, OBC categories and for Persons with Disability (PD) will be as per Government of India rules. OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates will have to enclose certificate and self-declaration statement as per formats as indicated at Annexure-I and II.

Financial Support: The Institute assistantships will be available to eligible (Indian) students as per prevailing (MHRD, GoI) norms, as applicable from time to time.

Application Procedure: Candidates are requested to use the following link to fill and submit application form online. Link:

Important Dates for Application in Departments:
Start Date of On-line Application:  21-03-2014 onwards
Last Date of On-line Application: 11-04-2014
Last Date for receipt of completed Application Forms by IIT Patna is: 18-04-2014

Visit the following URL for more details:

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