
JEE (Advanced) 2014

For Admission to IITs and ISM

Candidates aspiring to join the undergraduate programs in Engineering, Architecture and Sciences at all IITs and ISM Dhanbad, may please note that the schedules of JEE(Advanced) -2014 are as follows:

25 May, 2014 (Sunday)

Paper-1 (9:00-12:00 Hrs IST)
Paper-2 (14:00-17:00 Hrs IST)

Top 1,50,000 (including all categories) in the merit list of JEE (Main)-2014 (Paper-1) will be eligible to write JEE (Advanced)- 2014. They should register online at immediately after declaration of JEE(Main)-2014 results. Registration fee as per the following schedule has to be deposited through Bank Challan after the online registration:

Male GE, OBC Rs 2000
SC, ST and PwD Rs1000
Female All Categories NO FEES
Overseas Candidates All 220 US$

Each paper will have separate sections in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. All relevant information in details about JEE (Advaneed)-2014 will be posted in time to time. All candidates are advised to visit the web page regularly for updates.

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