Entrance Exams

Karnataka Post Graduate Common Entrance Test (PGCET) – 2011

Government of Karnataka

No. ED/KEA/Legal Cell/CR-81/2010-11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Date: 13.06.2011


for admission to 1st Year / 1st Semester
MBA/ MCA/ M.E. / M. Tech. / M. Arch / MBA (Infrastructure Management) Courses

Government by its Notification No. ED 205 TEC 2011 dated 20-04-2011 has authorized Karnataka Examinations Authority to conduct Post Graduate Common Entrance Testfor admission to first year/first semester MBA/ MCA/ M.E. / M. Tech / MBA (Infrastructure Management) courses from the year 2011 -12 in the state of Karnataka.

Pursuant to the said notification, applications are invited from the eligible interested Karnataka and non-Karnataka candidates for admission to 1 st year /1 st semester full time / part time MBA/ M.E. / M. Tech. / M. Arch / MBA (Infrastructure Management) courses and full time MCA course in the institutions affiliated to Universities which will be notified by the Government of Karnataka for the year 2011-12. Candidates have to appear for the Post Graduate Common Entrance Test – 2011 conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority to become eligible for admission to these courses. However, the non-Karnataka students are eligible to select only the seats surrendered by the management, if any.

Note: The candidates with valid GATE score need not appear for PGCET-2011 for admission to M.E. / M. Tech / M. Arch. / MBA (Infrastructure Management) courses, but they have to procure and submit the filled application form for admission.

Academic Eligibility: The details of academic eligibility for all the above courses are available on the KEA website http://kea.kar.nic.in. The candidates are advised to verify the eligibility criteria before applying to any of the courses.

How to Apply?

1.  The candidates have to procure the brochure cum application form by Speed Post only by sending a self addressed cloth-lined envelope of size 25 cm X 30 cm along with the prescribed fee of Rs. 600/- in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of “The Executive Director, Karnataka Examinations Authority“, payable at Bangalore. (Rs. 300/- in case of Karnataka SC, ST and Category-I Candidates)

2.  If a candidate likes to apply for more than one course (eg. for both MBA and MCA) then he / she is required to apply separately by sending two different covers with two different requisite demand drafts each, as the case may be.

3.  The contents on the self addressed envelope should be in English or Kannada language only. The cover in which the demand draft and self addressed envelope are sent should be boldly super scribed with the words “Request for PGCET – 2011 brochure for______ course” (MBA / MCA / M.E. / M. Tech. / M. Arch / MBA (Infrastructure Management etc.) and should be sent to The Executive Director, Karnataka Examinations Authority, 18th Cross, Sampige Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore – 560 012 by Speed Post only.

4.  KEA will not take responsibility for the envelopes sent through courier or given in person or through any other private arrangement and also for incomplete and insufficient address on the envelope.

5. The last date forsubmission of Demand Drafts to KEAto obtain brochure cum application form is 25-06-2011 5.00 pm.

Supply of Brochure cum Application Form:

1.  The brochure cum application form will be sent by speed post to the home address of the candidates furnished on the self addressed cloth lined cover on or after 02-07-2011.

2.  Last date for submission of filled application form by Speed Post to KEA is 15-07-2011 5.00 pm.

3.  PGCET-2011 examination will be conducted only in the state of Karnataka at various places as specified in the brochure.

Seat Matrix and Fee structure: The list of colleges along with seat matrix and fee to be paid for the academic year 2011-12 will be published in the KEA Website: http://kea.kar.nic.in as notified by the Government of Karnataka one week before the commencement of seat selection process.

The Post Graduate Common Entrance Test – 2011 time table is as follows:
For M.E. / M. Tech. / M. Arch / MBA (Infrastructure Management)

10.30 am to 12.30 pm Courses offered by VTU, UVCE, UBDTCE 100
06-08-2011 SATURDAY 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm Courses offered by Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Mathematics and Computer Science, Kuvempu University and Department of Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore. 100

For MBA and MCA courses

07-08-2011 SUNDAY 10.30 am-12.30 pm MBA 100
02.30 pm – 04.30 pm MCA 100

For more details regarding various conditions to claim eligibility conditions, visit KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in

Sampige Road, 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore – 560 012.
Phone: 080 – 23461575,2346 2599,2346 2758 Fax: 080 – 23461576
E-mail: keauthority-ka@nic.in Website: http://kea.kar.nic.in

Sd/- (V. Rashmi, IAS)
Executive Director

[gview file=”http://kea.kar.nic.in/pgcet/pgcet_notification.pdf”]


  1. As I belong to category-1 should i have to submit caste certificate along with the D.D.

  2. i send D.D For pgcet brochure cum application form but i will not got any brochure form if else i will not got any brochure. i will contact directly

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