
Osmania University Project Fellowship in Department of Zoology

osmaniaDepartment of Zoology
University College of Science
Osmania University
Hyderabad – 007

No. Ol/UGC-UPE-FAR/ZooL/2013 Date: 02.09.2013


The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has conferred the status of “University with Potential for Excellence” to Osmania University, Hyderabad. Under the Focus Area Research of the UGC-UPE Programme initiated by the Osmania University, some interdisciplinary research projects have been initiated. The applications are invited from eligible individuals for two, of such interdisciplinary research projects being executed in the Department of Zoology, Osmania University, Hyderabad in the prescribed forrr available at University Press, OU, Hyderabad.

Program No. Title of the project No. of Fellowships
111-3 Influence of heteroscorpine – 1 toxin on cardiac and breast cancer cell line 1
111-4 Synthesis of novel heterocyclics of drug potential as wound healing agents 1

Name of the Fellowships: UPE – Project Fellowship
Nature of Assistance: Rs. 14,000/- p.m. (consolidated)
Tenure of Fellowship: 1 year, further extension subject to release of grant
Qualifications: M.Sc. Zoology/Life Science with minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/STs).

For programme 111-3 – knowledge in wildlife biology, field studies as proven by publications and handling and care of venomous animals prerequisite.
For programme 111-4 – knowledge in handling animals, neurobiology and wound healing mechanisms prerequisite.


  1. Separate application for each project should be submitted.
  2. The selected research fellows, with the consent of the coordinator/head of the department may assist the university in its academic activities, provided such work/responsibility will not hinder the progress of research work. The total amount of time spent for such activity may not exceed 6 hrs a week.

Duly filled in application in prescribed format with relevant enclosures with a demand draft of Rs. 100/- (Open category) and Rs. 50/- (Reserved category) (Non-refundable) of any nationalized bank drawn in favour of the Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad should reach to Dr. C. Srinivasulu, Project Coordinator, Department of Zoology, University College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500007 on or before 26 September 2013.

Download the notification in PDF form HERE:
[gview file=”http://www.osmania.ac.in/Proj%20Fellow%20Zoology%2002092013.pdf” save=”1″]

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